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Next deadline: July 15, 2024

Pre-litigation Research Support 2024 second call

Application guide

Please make sure you submit the eligibility check in advance so that you have enough time to complete the application before the given deadline. For more information about the application process see here. Click here to see the guides that will help you prepare your full application during the next stage of the process.

(If applicable)

DFF pre-litigation research support grants are to help those planning to take litigation on an identified digital rights issue. If your planned activities do not relate to digital rights litigation your application will not be considered. Pre-litigation research grants are also intended to be quite narrow in scope, supporting activities to prepare for already planned litigation. Pre-litigation research must be clearly and directly linked to the formation or building of an identified litigation strategy that you wish to pursue. Applications to scope out new litigation topics or carry out broader research for policy or advocacy are unlikely to be approved. Please confirm that you have reviewed the grantmaking criteria and believe your application is eligible.

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